Friday 27 July 2012

i am not a superwoman. i got feelings. i got something in mind. i have plan too.

sem 3~ oh sem 3~
yeshhh sem 3 means next sem practical suda. but the tension keep rising. especially when u are one of the jpp committee. punya lah bnyk program mau dibuat yet none of it yang sa suda buat. lepas tu the lecturer is expecting too much when i can only delivered a little. sampai program kewangan ni pun suda the 2nd time kena postpone. stress.walaupun this sem cuma one paper for final exam, tapi final exam dia ialah LAW. semuapun mau hafal, semua pun mau faham, semuapun mau ingat. nda bole kasi turun poiner ni, sa mau tu anugerah pengarah juga. *life, bila kau pula mau faham aku ni?* bulan ramadhan yang mmg penuh dengan dugaan lah this year. sudahlah class start 730am, teda rest lagi terus berturut turut sampai jam 430pm -.- lepas tu ada activity for kelab keusahawanan lagi, ndapa kalau sehari dua ini for the whole month of fasting. erghhh! duit pun pembawa masalh juga sem ni. mana mau byr yuran pengajian, yuran pendaftaran, yuran jabatan, yuran kamsis, yuran koperasi, yuran class, bayar baju for jpp, bayar baju for class, bayar yuran for class trip, bayar yuran for activity subject, bayar makan minum lagi bukannya free makan di cafe tu, bayar tambang bas lagi kalau keluar. ADUH GILAA,KALAU KAYA NDA PA INI KAYA SAPU DI ROTI PUN AKU NDA SENTUH. mana lah mau cari duit for semua ni. minta mama, mama teda duit. minta abang kena ignore,kakak ipar selfish, minta kakak dia byr kereta, minta kakak yg satu teda keja, minta bapa jgn ckp lah~ bnyk lagi duit aku di tabung, buat bisnes ndada modal ndada masa ndada support, biasiswa nda pandai ada jawapan.. lepas bulan julai la awal bulan ogos la. kerajaan m'sia ni nda sudi ka mau tolong org susah mcm sa ni :( bikin lemahhhhhhh~ hmmm, sepa mau jadi sugar daddy saya? angkat tangan, saya timbak.hargailah bini kau tu bodo....

Monday 2 July 2012


selalunya kalau dulu2 ni lah bulan yg paling bnyk aku uluk si ulai. hehehe 
well new semester is going to start soon. money money money. marine o.o yuck for the fish. & law, the only reason my father let me take tourism management. kalau tdk ndada noor malyda binti osman basah di pss ni. nasib baiklahh. should do really well on this. mana lah tau menyangkut jadi lawyer HHAHAHA!
scrapbook just my crush, tdk dpt diteruskan. hahahaa.

<3 i have read this quote somewhere.
"expect nothing, appreciate everything."
just the words i need.

Thursday 28 June 2012


hello guys,

so sini saya mau merepek dulu la sekejap. apa laitu kunun loyalty? mesti kamurang ingat pasl boyfriend and girlfriend kamu ja kan bila ckp pasal setia dan yg sewaktu dengannya. hmmm, loyalty ni bnyk tmpt boleh guna. yg terutamanya ialah kawan kau. sbb apa2 masalah kadang2 kawan kau lebih tau. jadi tanamlah sifat setia kawan dlm diri kamu tu. jangan jadi macam saturang tu. nda mau study di poli suda, kawin suda. jadi apa lah seja kami ni budak2. nda layak suda jadi kawan dia. budu. mgkn dari dulu mmg dia tdk anggap kami kawan pun, sekadar kenalan sejaaaa~ cehhh

** menaip dalam keadaan sakit hati dan amarah sedikit**

Tuesday 29 May 2012

new me

its kaamatan holiday now :) yeahhh!
normally i would be depressed and wanting to go back to the past. coming back to KK! well now after 2 years of enduring, i can now control the emotion. but still there is a little part of me left at kk hahaha :) "i can joke about it now"

to people who doesn't know about what is kaamatan, well not only people from peninsular or sarawak but i realize that nowadays even sabahan doesnt know what is KAAMATAN -.- well people please stay true to the tradition dont just think high of the western life. culture is one of a great heritage that make our name known to the tourist just so u know. why? and how do i know? i am a tourism student, we have been taught a lot about tourist arrival and their reason. the big part of it is because of culture. okay im blabbering right now hahaha sorry peeps.

well simply said, kaamatan is like hari gawai in sarawak and it is harvest day. hahaa :)

i have a new hobby now. the old malyda will probably think its a damn boring and old  hobby but who cares. its me after all. its scrapbook! :) i have a project i plan to keep in track with time. well the other hobby is word search im doing it to stay focus not to catch up with the record time hehhe

well guys have fun on your holiday no matter where u are. promise me <3

im at a payphone trying to call home

its a cover of maroon 5- payphone. this two ladies has an amazing voice even an angels will get jealous of :)

Thursday 24 May 2012


hahahahahaha eeeeuuwwwwwwwlahh <3
well hello brader,

        everything has changed. even the blog changed. how long i didnt open my blog. maybe a little bit over a month? o.o no internet, living in a dorm, laptop sucks. & that is all the reason for me not updating this little diaries of mine. everyoneeee has changed, but i like it. i have grown up to be mature little by little. it happens all the time. haven't seen my angels for a loooooooooooong time </3 i miss you guys. you know who u are <3

a never ending story

well everything seems okay kan? but nothing is ok. that is why a saying said that " don't judge a book by its cover" is ever existed. nothing is okay. its just that we need to move on. like the person said before, "it takes time". it does for me to. i really tend to forgive damn easily that sometimes i hate myself for it. but i did  not forget easily. so maybe it will be months, years or maybe decades but still we should move on with life.

enough with this little teenage drama now its time to concentrate real well with this short sem. i enjoyed studying this short sem <3 really really enjoy it despite all the things that happen. we only have 3 course which is the entrepreneurship, sales and marketing and lastly tourist behavior! we jump to the sem5 courses which our seniors did not take yet sooo hmm maybe we are a senior in this subject? hahaha :)

i realize something about myself today. i "want an immediate result" that is my personal behavior as if in a entrepreneur thingyyy.

Saturday 19 May 2012

how do you handle problems that come to you in a bunch at once?
recently, the people i cherish and love is making my heart hurt a lot by words and actions. friends, family and even the world is being unfair. but yet still here i am writing this nonsense . there's another more month for new sem to start, i should get a hold of myself..
money money money should save some money for fee.

"its okay, its alright, everything gonna turn out well" is words that i repeat to myself to chill my burning heart that want to kick some ass. but who am i fooling? nothingg is gonna turn out well by lying to our ownself.

it sucks. haihhh

Sunday 5 February 2012

something just need to change for us to grow up

hey there,
its been a long time since i wrote something here.
well i have been doing great this past few weeks. not so great but its a well done process. i am still a fun enjoying seekers but something has to change right.

what have i done.
on chinese new year holiday break, all the non chinese and ppl who dont celebrate cny in politeknik sandakan went to kampung nawoi, tamparuli doing the csr.CSR is a short form for "CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES". oh yeah we are doing great things there. the students and lecturers are in a teamwork spirit. encik samad always come and visit us. and all those enjoying moment will always stay there deep in my heart.
eventhough theres a few heart feeling but what past is past right? im just letting the bygone stays as a bygone.

can you spot me? im wearing a peach-pink headscarf :)

hi i love you <3

Wednesday 18 January 2012

i miss you

can't we stay the same as before?

its been a while since i have write anything on this blog. oh well. today is the same as any other day. wake up late and come in late to class but today we are not getting scolded at the morning but get scolded by en. irwandih at noon. take a nap at the evening and still awake at 12.30 midnight as im typing this now.

i am a busy student this semester. first of all, i am the pengarah for our class trip this time and we are going to pulau mamutk  if the proposal is approve by our lecturer. then, i am the ajk for our trip to mesilau and setiausaha for our trip to kiulu for rafting & climbing.for the keusahawanan club i am the ajk for activity. lastly, i am competing in our perwakilan pelajar as one of the candidate but penamaan calon belum lagi yee. hehehe:)

ini lah yg saya mau cerita ni. macam mana mau berkempen ni? how? apa yg mau dicakapkan? heeeee bingung aku. mana senior nda suka aku lagi kena lagi kami2 ja yg betanding.

i miss my friends. my bestfriends :'(
maybe we will not stay the same as our old times where we stay like kids anymore. it is all because we have grow up and become much more mature.
but yeah i love you guys <3

Thursday 12 January 2012

my january

hi love :)
yes its january. we have survive 2012 for 13 days now. thank god i have been given this chance to live this long. syukur alhamdulillah :D

kami student politeknik sandakan sabah sudah diberikan baucer RM200 to buy books just now. so thank you government for including  us in the budget 2012 :) thanks uncle najib <3

then, saya jaimi brenda and jymut yg clueless about our stuff yg kami jual telah dibantu oleh sayangku jacqueline. so a few of our stuff are sold so no worries sudah. again, thanks jackie. i love u for a thousand years. haha
kalau berminat come to vestique closet click here. thanks :D

Saturday 7 January 2012


suda 7 hari masuk 2012 :)
kami student politeknik sandakan sabah pun pindah masuk di kampus batu 10 suda. jauuhhhhhhh dari amin corner.

well. the end.
