Wednesday 21 December 2011

dress up for christmas

hey guys,

so today im gonna promote the stuff we are selling through this blog.
interested to buy feel free to email me at or inbox me in my fb acc here noormalyda :)

oval rings.

butterfly rings

white owl necklace/ camera necklace

from the left
butterfle rings/ crown rings/ owl rings/ diamond rings

oval retro necklace

batman 2-hole rings. (front)

batman 2-hole ring (back)

2-hole love ring. (adjustable)

harga boleh runding since its the holiday :)
email me or contact me through my facebook acc :)
thank u so much 

Tuesday 6 December 2011

bulan baru rambut baru

holla friends <3

well how's ur december? mine going pretty smoothly. nothing excited just normal. well its been a while since i have write something. let me update u with my youthful story. well its not that youthful actually but its just my story. first of all, i started my december with cutting my hair! not all of it just the bangs hehehe :) but i cut it on my own okay. tidak sumpak. jimat duit.

senyum teda gigi :)

senyum nampak gigi :)

hi nama saya cute, hobi saya trip cute. HAHAHAHA!

meet my boyfriend <3

jangan pandangku sebelah mata ;p

all of the picture is VIRUS! HAHAHAHA
"smiling virus" 
if u smile when u look at the picture then u probably just get the infection but if u don't smile maybe u have a depression :P
my holiday sucks!. hows urs?